The GOAL-Trauma Study Blog
Global Surgery and Global Trauma
Global Surgery continues to be integrated into efforts to address global and public health disparities and inequities. Without surgical care, patients with treatable surgical conditions face high risks of morbidity and mortality – current estimates suggest almost 5 billion people are without adequate access to basic and affordable surgical care, and disproportionately affects those in low-income and lower-middle-income countries
"For current standards of trauma care to be improved worldwide, a greater understanding of the current state of trauma laparotomy care is paramount if appropriate interventions and targets are to be identified and implemented"
Present estimates suggest that only 3-6% of operations provided globally occur for the poorest 30% of the world’s population and over 1.2 million new surgeons, anaesthetists, and obstetricians are needed to be trained in order to reach a minimum health coverage for safe surgery.
In regards to trauma care, approximately 100 million people are temporarily injured as a result from trauma every year and 40 million are left with permanent injuries. The vast majority of these trauma cases occur in low and middle-income settings, however these are the regions that often lack adequate trauma care.

To aptly address such inequities within the field of global surgery, health research studies are essential if appropriate mechanisms for quality improvement are to be identified and foster growing partnerships worldwide. The GOAL-Trauma Study will provide much needed context on the current need, access, and quality of trauma care seen globally and hopefully provide potential solutions in addressing global trauma inequities.